Jay K. McNally
Portraits of the New Normal

We're living is strange time with the Novel Coronavirus pandemic that we are experiencing. New terms are entering our lexicon, like social distancing, flattening the curve and self-isolate. Even as restrictions are eased, many cities and counties require masks in public space even as we continue social distancing. This is our New Normal.
When California Governor Gavin Newsome published a list of "approved" outdoor activities, photography was on the list and this prompted me to capture portraits of my friends and family adjusting to the new norms (with a telephoto lens to comply with social-distancing, of course). The eyes are the windows to the soul, we are taught as photographers, and a mask cannot shutter those windows. But alas, a mask can hide the complete person behind, so I present the "New Normal" that you may meet these wonderful people in, along with portraits of their beautiful faces.